
Linux Tricks P Wsafe Retrieve Passwords For A List Of Servers

  1. ) Login to the server with your credentials.
  2. ) Create a text file under your home directory, using vi text editor, containing the server names, one per line (in my case it's named servers)
  3. ) In case you do not want to retrieve a password for a server within the file - comment out the corresponding line with # symbol.
  4. ) Execute the following command from your home directory (in case you've changed the filename "servers" from step 2, change it also in the command at the end of this page
  5. ) On STDOUT you will see a list , containing the server name and it's password, delimited by single space.

for servername in `grep -v "^#" servers`; do sudo PWSafe SELECT ${servername} | cut -d\: -f1,2 | sed 's/\:/ /g'; done

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